Teacher: Maurizio Puxeddu

In collaboration with the RASALILA Association, which deals with yoga, meditation and cultural events, we have activated this course, MUSICAL THEORY APPLIED to your musical instrument, in presence and online, based on the study of theoretical musical rules applied to any musical instrument you are playing.

Do you play a self-taught musical instrument and want to fill some musical gaps? I can help you! I am a multi-instrumentalist musician with a broad 360 degree musical training both theoretical and practical. Contact me >

– Do you feel that you have musical gaps and would like to complete your training?
Do you want to know the secrets of music and the theory applied to your musical instrument?
Are you interested in knowing how to form an interval, a simple chord up to the most complex ones?
Have you ever wondered how to read, write and develop a musical phrase?
Would you like to organize a riff, a bass line, a sequence, up to an entire song?

You can learn all of this on the instrument you are learning to play, be it a guitar or various stringed instruments, a flute or any other wind instrument, a shruti box, an indian harmonium, a handpan…

Complete your education with my APPLIED MUSIC THEORY lessons.

You will learn the rules of music and, if you wish, also the elements of harmony and composition, being able to write your own music and analyze it using modern notation. You will be followed in your specific path, built on the basis of your study needs or major interests in the subject.

You’ll see music like you’ve never seen it before.

“I find the study of western music theory fundamental and almost an obligatory step for a profound understanding of music and the study of a musical instrument. (M.P.)”

Sign up for the APPLIED MUSIC THEORY course

In-person course / Mombaroccio / Pesaro
ONLINE course / Contact us 340 9070137

We draw up the program according to your level and your needs

Got something to ask? Contact me >