Didactis, courses, workshop

Didactics, courses, workshop




From Novembre 2022
Music courses : PLAIYNG TOGETHER

From Novembre 2022 – Music courses – PLAIYNG TOGETHER

Every Wednesday from 18.30 to 20.30
At the Gialloimmaginavo Association

in Via Alessandro Cialdi 1/E – Rome

Reservation is recommended
on 3409070137 via WhatsApp
or by filling the following form form >

In the Garbatella district, starting from October 2022, at GIALLOIMMAGINAVO in via Alessandro Cialdi 1 / E – ROME, there will be music courses conducted by the musician and multi-instrumentalist Maurizio Puxeddu.

They are courses suitable for children, for boys and girls, for adults, where you will have the pleasure of discovering classical and ethnic musical instruments, the rules of music, making music together while having fun and socializing.

MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS – Theory and practice

The theory of music will no longer scare you because it will be studied by doing and playing. During the musical path of the courses you will have the opportunity to discover classical and ethnic musical instruments live, appreciate their techniques, understand the rules of music in general, be amazed by the absolute beauty of playing together.

For information and to leave your contact, call 340 9070137


From Novembre 2022
Music courses : PLAIYNG TOGETHER

From Novembre 2022 – Music courses – PLAIYNG TOGETHER

Every Monday from 16.30 to 18.30
At the Parish Sant’Andrea Corsini

in Via Alessandro della Seta 40 – Rome

Reservation is recommended
on 3409070137 via WhatsApp
or by filling the following form form >


Laboratory, conference, workshop

It is a laboratory / conference / workshop for musicians of modern wind instruments, which can also be extended to ethnic instruments, and is suitable for aerophones with natural mouth (such as the upright flute, the transverse flute), with a simple reed (such as the clarinet and saxophone), double-reed (like oboe, English horn, bassoon), mouthpiece (trumpet, trombone, horn, flugelhorn, bass tuba).

TYPE: Laboratory, workshop, conference

ARTISTS: 1 musician / speaker

Each type of wind instrument groups similar problems in the execution of Circular Breathing, and the participants will be followed and corrected step by step in the path of realization and improvement of the technique with their musical instrument.

For those who, even without a musical instrument, wish to discover the secrets of circular breathing, it is possible to have a first experience with a preparatory approach.

Sign up now, organize or request information!


Laboratory, conference, workshop

This workshop aims to develop, in the dancer, in the interested musician and / or curious person,
of the conscious perception of rhythm and metrics of the music
both Eastern and Western, for listening and for dance.

The contents will be presented in a pleasant way, with practical exercises, explanations on where to focus for the understanding and analysis of rhythmics
and metrics of a music, so as to develop a greater awareness e dance safety, without gaps from the musical point of view.

Depending on the level of preparation of the participants, they can be proposed preparatory contents, on average difficult, up to the most complex.

The topics covered in the meeting will also include binary times and ternary, odd / even, compound tempos, standard oriental rhythms and those
less usual, the “tools” to determine on what and how to focus attention to detect the tempo and the “codes” of the music. Any other issues is possible
establish them in the design and definition phase.

What is needed
– An adequate space for the number of participants
– A little amplification system

Sign up now, organize or request information!


Have fun with music, together with other student musicians in Rome

Do you have a passion for music and would like to increase your skills with a musical instrument, enjoying yourself in a new specially designed orchestra?

You will be able to handle what you don’t know about making music and apply it musically with a singular new approach.

– Practice collective music
– Stimulates being together musically
– Learn music theory by playing
– Discover the secrets of music
– Suitable for children, teens and adults

Sign up now, organize or request information!