compared with Western music theory
Teacher: Maurizio Puxeddu

In collaboration with the RASALILA Association, which deals with yoga, meditation and cultural events, we have activated this course in presence and online, based on the use of the SHRUTI BOX, a musical instrument to accompany the voice or other instruments. With this instrument it is possible to immerse yourself in its sounds, for inner research and concentration and in meditation sessions.

The SHRUTI BOX is a fascinating tool, there is no doubt about it. It is extremely transportable, looking at it from the outside it is a box, then when the locks are released, its bellows become visible. By acting on one of the bellows, with one or two hands, having previously opened one or more windows, its sound comes out. A fixed sound, a so-called drone, over which you can sing or improvise.

The SHRUTI BOX Music Course will give you the security of the technical bases on the instrument (how to play) and the theoretical bases of Indian music, considering both the nomenclature of Indian notes (SA RE GA MA PA DHA NI or SA RI GA MA PA DHA NI), of the Indian RAGAs, of the melodic evolutions typical of Indian singing and music, and, given the use of a succession of small windows organized as in the typically Western keyboard, the study and comparison with Western musical theory.

Indian and Western (Italian) terminology on a C Major or Raga Bilaval scale – Terminologia indiana e occidentale (italiana) su una scala di DO maggiore o Raga Bilaval

– Do you want to accompany the meditations by tuning the mantras on prearranged musical pitches?
– Do you want to match the chakras to the related sounds?
– Do you need to learn the use of the SHRUTI BOX to start studying Indian singing with a reference instrument or drone accompaniment?
– Do you want to study or perfect Indian RAGAs, scales and modes of expression with the SHRUTI BOX?
– Do you want to accompany the BAJAN, the Indian devotional songs with a drone?
– Would you like to have that kind of sound, now defined as Indian, in your sample of sounds?
– Do you wish to compose in an instrumental and vocal ethnic style?
– Do you want to know the rules of Indian music in reference to those of Western music?

Use a SHRUTI BOX to activate the CHAKRAs – Usa uno SHRUTI BOX per attivare i CHAKRA

It is a course built on a gradual program of difficulty, but which can give ample space to the needs of those who approach this beautiful instrument, for the most disparate reasons: meditation, exploration, inner research, work on the chakras, accompaniment of the voice or of other tools.

In conclusion, this SHRUTI BOX MUSICAL COURSE will be very useful for you to create a musical background and atmosphere or ostinato or drone sounds, for the study of melodic music and monodic singing on a tonal reference, but also for studying elements of harmony, as well to be very useful in the cases mentioned above (in the “desires”)!

Sign up for the Shruti Box Music Course

In-person course / Mombaroccio / Pesaro / Rome
ONLINE course / Contact us 340 9070137

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